about will

Will wilson
Following an extensive career in the British military, Will moved to Rwanda in early 2021. This allowed him to engage with his underlying passion for photography, wildlife and conservation. To create better photographs Will has immersed himself in the life of Rwanda’s birds, from the 250 plus species found in the Kigali area to over 710 species that can be found across the country.
As his passion has grown he has been happy to share it with others through his writing, photography workshops, print sales, guest speaking events, and on social media.

Falling for the BIRDS of KIgali
Will’s first book, Falling for the Birds of Kigali was published in early 2023. Over 256 pages and 130 species photographed, the book showcases the stunning birds that call Kigali home. It also highlights the impressive conservation work being done in Rwanda’s capital, and promotes Kigali as an awesome bird watching destination.
It can be found in book shops across Rwanda and can be bought on line at: https://komezart.com/collections/will-wilson/products/falling-for-the-birds-of-kigali

WHere's will Been?
Will recently spent the week in Nyungwe National Park, teaching photogrpahy skills to a team of Chimpanzee trackers and members of the park’s Conservation and Research team. The skills learnt during the week will now be used to protect and better understand the Nyungwe’s awesome Chimpanzee communities.

WHat's next?
Will’s second book, Following the Birds of Rwanda, which focuses on the lives of Rwanda’s amazing birds will be published in early 2025.
Earlier in 2024 will spoke in depth with Jackie Lumbasi on her Rwandan TV show, The Real Talk. The full interview can be viewed on YouTube here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQr4inBJECI