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Five tips to improve your photography
Good photographs can inspire feelings, conversations and journeys but when first starting out, photography can sometimes seem a tough nut to crack, but with practice and patience the results make the effort...
Getting to know Rwanda’s Birds – The Ibises
Three different species of ibis call Rwanda home. Two of these, the Hadada and African Sacred Ibis are resident species and can be found year-round across the country. The Glossy Ibis on the other hand...
Getting to know the Birds of Rwanda – Birdwatching basics…
Birds are good for us. It is now widely acknowledged that watching birds and listening to birdsong improves our mental well-being and has lasting positive effects on our mental health. I am often asked...
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Getting to know Rwanda’s birds – The Mousebirds
Two species of mousebird call Rwanda home – the Speckled Mousebird and the Blue-naped Mousebird. Both are breeding residents and can be found in their preferred habitats throughout the year. Whilst...